2011 Tatt Awards Winners by Globe Tattoo

Globe Tattoo held it’s first Tatt Award for the online personalities who made a trend. There were 10 categories in the said award night. here are the winners:

  • Loi Reyes Landicho of professionalheckler.wordpress.com won the Wordslayer Category
  • Mike Bustos of youtube.com/MikeyBustosVideos won the Video Slinger Award
  • Bianca Gonzales of twitter.com/iamsuperbianca won the #Thought-Mover Award
  • Jin Joson of jinjoson.comwon the Award of The Artiste
  • Elizabeth Angsioco ofdswp.org.ph won The Advocate award
  • Up Dharma Down of updharmadown.com won the Rocker award
  • Laureen Uy of breakmystyle.com won the Stylismo Award
  • Filipino Free Thinkers of filipinofreethinkers.org won the The One Award
  • Divine Lee of Divinelee.com won the Tatt Trending Personality Award
  • Maria Aragon and Arjohn Gilbert won the Tatt Viral Rookie Award
  • Vice Ganda won Tatt Most Likeable Award

The winners received P100,000.00 cash and Globe Tattoo products.
