"Mayweather vs Pacman" fans clamor on Twitter

Online boxing fans in micro-blogging site Twitter, clamors for "Mayweather vs Pacman" just after Floyd Mayweather defeated Miguel Cotto via Unanimous Decision on May 6- Manila Time.

Nick Kueger:
bring on mayweather vs. pacman. That would be the fight of century so far. To think of the ratings that fight would get, unimaginable.

Mayweather Vs Pacman is WAY overhyped it wouldn't even be entertaining cause it wouldn't live up to the expectations.#JUSTSAYING.

Mayweather vs pacman won't happen cause money is a cheater always buys the judges we already know he will win he buys his wins.

Rafel Delaghetto:
Mayweather Vs Pacman <--- I got a better chance of catching HIV before this fight ever happens!

Claire Guerra ★ ‏ @ClaiiireGuerra
"@khalils_twitwit: Bring on Mayweather vs. Pacman! Then Lito Camo can fight Justin Bieber" =)))))

Moe the McCurdian :P ‏ @imoeman83
Mayweather Vs Pacman lol I wish, Pacquiao would beat the chiz out of him :)

Fatima Bulut ☁ ‏ @NINJABSTER
I feel like I've been waiting for a Mayweather vs Pacman match for ... FOREVER #notgonnahappen

Faith Chen ‏ @FaithChen2
Mayweather vs Pacman Could children have as much fun in infancy as mens do in adultery?

NoMistakesNoRegrets ‏ @Filipinogirl13
Mayweather Vs Pacman I wanna see this, both my favorites but gotta represent the Pinoy Pride, Pacman is who'll i'll support :)
