What to Do during Flood

What do we have to Do during Flood? Image via via Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy)'s Official FB Page.

  • Find out how often your location is likely to be flooded.
  • Know the flood warning system in your community and be sure your family knows it.
  • Keep informed of daily weather condition.
  • Designate an evacuation area for the family and livestock.
  • Assign family members instructions and responsibilities according to an evacuation plan.
  • Keep a stock of food which requires little cooking and refrigeration; electric power may be interrupted.
  • Keep a transistorized radio and flashlight with spare batteries, emergency cooking equipment, candies, matches and first aid kit handy in case of emergency.
  • Store supplies and other household effects above expected flood water level.
  • Securely anchor weak dwellings and items.

  • Watch for rapidly rising flood waters.
  • Listen to your radio for emergency instructions.
  • If you find it necessary to evacuate, move to a safe area before access is cut off by flood waters.
  • Store drinking water in containers, water service may be interrupted.
  • Move household belongings to upper levels.
  • Get livestock to higher ground.
  • Turn off electricity at the main switch in the building before evacuating and also lock your house.

  • Avoid areas subject to sudden flooding.
  • Do not attempt to cross rivers of flowing streams where water is above the knee.
  • Beware of water-covered roads and bridges.
  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to the elements.
  • Do not go swimming or boating in swollen rivers.
  • Eat only well-cooked food. Protect leftovers against c
  • ontamination.
  • Drink clean or preferably boiled water ONLY.
