Georgina Wilson Sexy and Hot in Ginebra San Miguel Calendar

Georgina Wilson look Sexy and Hot as Ginebra San Miguel's newest Calendar Girl! "It Girl" Georgina Wilson has take the spotlight as the newest calendar girl of liquor brand Ginebra San Miguel for 2013.

The Ginebra San Miguel 2013 calendar showing the sexy Georgina in photos taken by renowned lensman Mark Nicdao will be made available in November. See some of the photos below:

After serving as a muse in PBA 38 Season- All Filipino Conference Opening Ceremony, Gerogina Wilson post on a bikini at Ginebra San Miguel's Calendar Poster.

Wislon told in an interview with interakson that even if she was raised abroad, her heart belongs to where her home is.

Images credit: Ginebra San Miguel/AKTV
