Video- Diamond Planet with Diamond Bigger than Earth

Orbiting a star that is visible to the naked eye, astronomers have discovered a planet twice the size of our own made largely out of diamond.

A group of American and French scientists have discovered a planet that's likely to be a third made of diamond in a nearby solar system.

According to planetary science, it would develop differently from Earth, Mars and Venus, planets made up mostly of silicon–oxygen compounds. The theory has gained popularity and is now said by researchers such as Jade Bondto be built on reasonable ideas, specifically that different systems would have different ratios of carbon to oxygen, and that our own solar system's terrestrial planets actually slant toward being "oxygen planets".

The rocky planet, called '55 Cancri e', orbits a sun-like star in the constellation of Cancer and is moving so fast that a year there lasts a mere 18 hours.

According to Forbes report, the diamond planet worth $26.9 nonillion ($26.9 followed by 30 zeros). The Diamond Planet’s radius is double Earth’s and its mass is eight times greater. The 3,900F planet is warmish — and is “covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite,” according to Yale researcher, Nikku Madhusudhan.

To watch the video via YouTube, click here!

credit wikipedia, forbes, gulfnews
