Video- Kobe Bryant to fans: Shut up

Kobe Bryant lashed back at critics who questioned the composition and strategy of the Lakers following the team’s 0-2 start. Bryant believe that everyone should give the team time to develop familiarity among themselves specially that most of the starting five are newly-acquired.

Bryant said in a post-practice interview:
“I just...I don’t understand the city here...for me not trying to bite my tongue and not calling them dumb, which I kinda just did. They’ve seen us win multiple championships here, playing an offense that was tough to learn, that was a sequence of options that weren’t set plays that took five guys being on the same page of working together. They know how that stuff works. For them to be so stupid now. They say, ‘Well, let Steve [Nash] dribble the ball around and create opportunities for everybody. And let Dwight [Howard] post up and let me iso.’ It’s ... I don’t want to say idiotic, but it’s close.”
