DOJ Sec de Lima says NBI is expected to announce result of investigation into the Balintang Channel shooting incident. Eight Phil. Coastguard personnel to be charged with homicide in relation to the Balintang Channel incident”.
This is the Executive Summary and full report on the incident that occurred in the Balintang Channel on May 9, 2013, which involved an encounter between members of the Philippine Coast Guard and fishermen from Taiwan. This report was submitted by the Department of Justice.
Executive Summary
The Incident
On May 9, 2013, a shooting incident took place involving patrolling personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on board BFAR MCS-3001 and a Taiwanese fishing vessel at Balintang Channel near the Batanes group of islands. The incident resulted in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman.
PCG-BFAR Account
Philippine government vessel BFAR MCS-3001, with a complement of 17 PCG personnel and 3 BFAR staff, departed Port Irene, Sta. Ana, Cagayan to conduct a sea-borne monitoring, control and surveillance operation at the vicinity of Balintang Channel en route to Batanes. While on patrol, the PCG-BFAR sighted two (2) typical Taiwanese fishing vessels, one nautical mile apart from each other, bearing no flag of nationality. The PCG-BFAR announced its presence to the smaller of the two Taiwanese fishing vessels and signaled the same to stop for the conduct of proper boarding procedures. The Taiwanese vessel did not comply and instead performed evasive maneuvers.
The PCG-BFAR pursued the Taiwanese vessel, firing warning shots to further alert it to stop. The Taiwanese vessel still did not comply, but instead attempted to ram the PCG patrol craft on several occasions. The PCG then fired at the engine section of said vessel in order to stop its engines and immobilize the vessel. The Taiwanese fishing vessel still did not stop.
The PCG-BFAR then spotted a gray colored vessel approximately eight to ten NM from the north approaching the vicinity of the incident. The PCG-BFAR “radio challenged” the gray vessel but no reply was received. The PCG decided not to verify further the identity of the gray ship for security reasons. With the Taiwanese vessel still resisting pursuit and with an unidentified gray vessel approaching, the PCG-BFAR decided to disengage and abort the mission, returning to Port Irene, Sta. Ana, Cagayan.
Taiwanese Fishermen Account
Taiwanese fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (CT2-6519) departed from the port of Liu Qui with four occupants to catch tuna. On May 9, 2013, at 12:00 A.M., they started pulling in and collecting their fishing line. At around 9:30 A.M., as they were about to return to Taiwan while traveling at low speed heading toward the east and within Taiwan territorial waters, the boat captain noticed a Philippine vessel fast approaching to his right side. The said vessel did not make any whistle or warning broadcast.
Read Full report, please click HERE!
This is the Executive Summary and full report on the incident that occurred in the Balintang Channel on May 9, 2013, which involved an encounter between members of the Philippine Coast Guard and fishermen from Taiwan. This report was submitted by the Department of Justice.
Executive Summary
The Incident
On May 9, 2013, a shooting incident took place involving patrolling personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on board BFAR MCS-3001 and a Taiwanese fishing vessel at Balintang Channel near the Batanes group of islands. The incident resulted in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman.
Actual photo taken from the video: courtesy of GMA News
PCG-BFAR Account
Philippine government vessel BFAR MCS-3001, with a complement of 17 PCG personnel and 3 BFAR staff, departed Port Irene, Sta. Ana, Cagayan to conduct a sea-borne monitoring, control and surveillance operation at the vicinity of Balintang Channel en route to Batanes. While on patrol, the PCG-BFAR sighted two (2) typical Taiwanese fishing vessels, one nautical mile apart from each other, bearing no flag of nationality. The PCG-BFAR announced its presence to the smaller of the two Taiwanese fishing vessels and signaled the same to stop for the conduct of proper boarding procedures. The Taiwanese vessel did not comply and instead performed evasive maneuvers.
The PCG-BFAR then spotted a gray colored vessel approximately eight to ten NM from the north approaching the vicinity of the incident. The PCG-BFAR “radio challenged” the gray vessel but no reply was received. The PCG decided not to verify further the identity of the gray ship for security reasons. With the Taiwanese vessel still resisting pursuit and with an unidentified gray vessel approaching, the PCG-BFAR decided to disengage and abort the mission, returning to Port Irene, Sta. Ana, Cagayan.
Taiwanese Fishermen Account
Taiwanese fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 (CT2-6519) departed from the port of Liu Qui with four occupants to catch tuna. On May 9, 2013, at 12:00 A.M., they started pulling in and collecting their fishing line. At around 9:30 A.M., as they were about to return to Taiwan while traveling at low speed heading toward the east and within Taiwan territorial waters, the boat captain noticed a Philippine vessel fast approaching to his right side. The said vessel did not make any whistle or warning broadcast.
Read Full report, please click HERE!
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