Luneta Protest Gathering against 'Pork Barrel' set on August 26

Catch Luneta Protest Gathering against 'Pork Barrel set on August 26.

According to Rappler report, Anti-pork barrel advocates are set to gather at the Luneta Park on August 26, National Heroes' Day, and are using social media to rally participants to their cause.

"It started out as a simple idea. Friends Arnold Pedrigal, Peachy Bretana, and Bernardo Bernardo created a Facebook event page to gather like-minded people who want the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or pork barrel scrapped."

Viva Demokrasya report from Esquire Philippines posted a hand-written campaign against pork-barrel:
Since the controversy surrounding the alleged scam of Janet Lim-Napoles broke out, there has been a torrent of articles and photos that have come out linking the now fugitive to several legislators. Simply put, most articles allege that Napoles started several non-government organizations or NGO’s that accept financial allocations from certain legislators’ Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) for supposed projects. In turn, some legislators keep a percentage or a cut.
