Game Developer to Delete Flappy Bird on Apple Store Today

Game Developer to Delete Flappy Bird on Apple Store Today, February 9, 2014. The developer of the popular mobile game Flappy Bird just declared that he’s taking the game down today.

The game is said to generate $USD 50k a day from ads and already downloaded 50 million times according to online reports.

In a series of tweets made just minutes ago, Nguyen stated that this move is not due to legal issues, but rather because he “just cannot keep it anymore.” Take a look for yourself…

However, the Developer Dong Nguyen @dongatory tweeted yesterday, February 8, 2014.

As noted in Kotaku, Nguyen said earlier this week that the press was “overrating” the success of his games: “It is something I never want. Please give me peace.” But as of this posting it is still available on Apple Store!
