How do I give someone a role on my Page- Facebook Tutorial

How do I give someone a role on my Page? If you have a Facebook Page and wanted to have someone to manage aside from yourself.

You'll need to be an admin to give someone a role on your Page. If you're an admin:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Page Roles in the left column.
  3. If the person is your Facebook friend, begin typing their name and select them from the list that appears. If the person isn't your Facebook friend, type their email address.
  4. Click Admin  to select a role from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save and enter your password to confirm.
Depending on their settings, the person may receive a notification or an email when you give them a role.

How do I change someone's role on my Page?

To change someone's role on your Page, you'll need to be an admin. If you're an admin:
  1. Click Settings at the top of your Page
  2. Click Page Roles in the left column
  3. Click the role below the name of the person whose role you want to change and select a new role from the dropdown menu
  4. Click Save and enter your password to confirm
