How to Establish a Foreign Company in the Philippines

Here"s the Tutorial on How to Establish a Foreign Company in the Philippines.The Philippines, known as one of the fastest growing regions in the world stage today, is a critical entry point for the emerging Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) market. Equipped with a robust and literate workforce, abundant resources, and a liberalized economy, the government invites foreigners to invest in the Philippines.

Documentary Requirements
i. Form F103
ii. Name Verification Slip
iii. Authenticated copy of Board Resolution authorizing establishment of office in the Philippines designating resident agent and stipulating that in absence of such agent or upon cessation of business in the Philippines any summons may be served to SEC as if the same is made upon the corporation at its home office.
iv. Financial Statements as of a date not exceeding one year immediately prior to the application certified by independent CPA of home country and authenticated before the Philippine Consulate/Embassy.
v. Authenticated copies/Certified copies of the Articles of Incorporation/Partnership
vi. Proof of inward remittance ($200K) minimum
vii. Resident Agent’s acceptance of appointment (if not signatory in application form)
Application Procedure
i. Verify/reserve proposed name
ii. Get F-103 form from CRMD
iii. Present accomplished forms/docs for pre-processing at CRMD
iv. Pay filing fees to cashier
v. Claim license from Records Division
Processing time
Within 3-5 days from filing
Documentary Requirements
i. Form F-104
ii. Name Verification Slip
iii. Authenticated copy of Board Resolution authorizing establishment of office in the Philippines; designating resident agent & stipulating that in absence of such agent or upon cessation of business in the Phil. Any summons may be served to SEC as if the same is made upon the corporation at its home office.
iv. Financial Statements as of a date not exceeding one year immediately prior to the application, certified by independent CPA of home country and authenticated before the Philippine consulate/embassy.
v. Affidavit executed by the resident agent stating that mother office is solvent and in sound financial condition
vi. Authenticated copies of Articles of Incorporation with an English translation if in foreign language other than English
vii. Proof of inward remittance (US$30K) minimum such as bank certificate.
viii. Resident Agent’s acceptance of appointment (if not signatory in application form)
Application Procedure
i. Verify/reserve proposed name
ii. Get F-104 form from CRMD
iii. Present accomplished forms/docs for pre-processing at CRMD
iv. Pay filing fees to cashier
v. Claim license from Records Division
Processing time
Within 2 days from filing
Documentary Requirements
i. Application Form for RHQ/ROHQ
ii. Name Verification Slip
iii. Authenticated certification that foreign firm is engaged in international trade with affiliates, subsidiaries, or branch offices in the Asia Pacific region & other foreign markets.
iv. Authenticated certification from principal officer of foreign entity that it was authorized by its Board of Directors or governing body to establish RHQ in the Philippines
v. BOI endorsement indicating its approval of RHQ/ROHQ
Application Procedure
i. Verify/reserve proposed name
ii. Get application form from CRMD
iii. Get BOI endorsement
iv. Present accomplished forms/docs for pre-processing at CRMD
v. Pay filing fees to cashier
vi. Claim license from Records Division
Processing time
Within 1 day from filing
Documentary Requirements
i. Name of verification slip
ii. Get F-105 Form from CRMD
iii. Articles of Partnership
iv. Written joint undertaking to change corporate name signed by two (2) incorporators/Directors
v. Clearance/endorsement from other govt. agencies, if applicable.
vi. Proof of remittance of foreign partners (only for those partners who want to register their investments with BSP)
Application Procedure
i. Verify/secure proposed name
ii. Buy articles of Partnership forms from the Express lane
iii. Get FIA Form 105 from CRMD
iv. Get endorsement of other government agencies, if needed
v. Presents accomplished forms/docs for pre-processing at CRMD
vi. Pay filing fees to cashier
vii. Claims Certificate of Incorporation from releasing Unit, Records Division.
Processing time
Within 24 hours from filing
