Maine Mendoza a.k.a. Yaya Dub Twitter account hacked

The hacker group calling itself Anonymous Philippines took responsibility for the attack, posting links and messages on the account but someone named Rry Mundo says the hacker of Maine Mendoza's acccount is not a member of Anonymous Philippines.

Maine Mendoza7s Twitter account with 2.4 million followers is considered as the 3rd fastest growing profile in the world.

Anonymous Philippines tweet a link to a Facebook video entitled Million Mask March Philippines 2015.

Later Anonymous Philippines return the account to Maine and apologised to Netizens. According to online report  following Justine Bieber, Maine Mendoza is the second entertainment personality to have Twitter security features.

Read: Maine Mendoza's Blog, Instagram and Tumblr also hacked. 

Million Mask March Philippines 2015
[Please Share] Million Mask March Philippines 2015Page: 7am - Bonifacio Shrine beside Manila City HallMarch: 9am - From Bonifacio Shrine going to MendiolaStrictly Prohibited:Deadly weapon or kaht anong bagay na nakakasakit, pumunta tayo dun para sa peaceful march, hindi para makipag patayan sana maliwanag para sa lahat :)Things to pack:Foods, water and specially any first aid kits para handa tayo.. PS:Sa mga party list at ung ibang my group na not related sa anons na gustong sumama sa aming peaceful march. Please lang po march lang po tau, wala ng iba, cooperation lang po..Thanks!Transcript: Greetings citizens of the world, We are Anonymous.Far too long, we have endured every lies our own government force upon us. Look around you, is this what we want our children’s children to inherit? Open your eyes, our society whose voice is kept silent for our own governments sake. The government is like a corrupted computer system which is prone to bugs and crashes, and a corrupt operating system should be reformatted. Reformatting and installing a new operating system whose sole purpose is serve the people, is the only way to save our beloved nation. Stand up for what is right, stand up and let your voice be heard. Stop being deaf and blind when the very existence of your humanity is being stepped on by the one whom you entrusted to carry our nation. There is no reason a select few can acquire so much, while the majority suffers from poverty because of corruption. We have the power to make a change, that power is being withheld by the people at the pedestal. But we, as a collective has the capability to destroy that very pedestal and change the course of our nation. The time has come to once again to show the world that we, the people, care about the issues surrounding our beloved country. On November 5, 2015, we invite you to march peacefully with us towards change. Because sitting and doing nothing will get you nowhere.The people shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.The corrupt fear us, the heroic joins us.We are AnonymousWe are LegionWe do not ForgiveWe do not ForgetWe are the voice of the voiceless, Expect Us!
Posted by Anonymous Philippines on Tuesday, 20 October 2015
The last Tweet of Maine Mendoza before her account was hacked:
Here are some of Netizens reactions on the hacked Twitter account of Maine Mendoza:

Press Release regarding the hacking of Yayadub's Twitter AccountDear fans of Aldub, we sincerely apologize for the...
Posted by Anonymous Philippines on Monday, 2 November 2015
