Uncharted 4 coming May 10, only on PS4

Watch Uncharted 4 coming May 10, only on PS4. I just wish they had kept the releases date for April 29,2016 but I have come to realize why they move it. They claim it's to polish the game and make more disc to reach everyone. Truth to be told they have Ratchet n Clank coming out April 12 so it makes sense to make room for people to pick it up before Uncharted. 
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Heads or Tails
Uncharted 4 coming May 10, only on PS4. http://play.st/uncharted4
Posted by PlayStation on Monday, 4 April 2016
Watch the 16 Minutes Gameplay of Uncharted 4.
