DICT sets PHP24 B bond if Mislatel sells company while Smart & Globe never place bond before

The NTC en banc may now confirm Mislatel Consortium as the country's 3rd telco, DICT chief Eliseo Rio Jr. says.
As noted by DICT Secretary Eliseo Rio Jr.

With all Motions for Reconsideration and appeals having been resolved at the close of office hours yesterday (November 16), as per provisions of MC 09-09-2018, the NTC En Banc may now issue the Confirmation Order in favor of the selected New Major TelCo Player, which is Mislatel, should it qualify. Mislatel made a commitment to greatly improve our telecommunication industry that can bring us at par with Singapore and is putting a hefty performance bond (P24B) if they fail in its commitments in a 5-year period. Globe and PLDT/Smart never made any commitment in the more than 20 years of their operation. They never posted any performance security. For the first time in our history, we required a new telco player to come up with time-bound commitments and putting their money where their mouths are. One of the best ways Mislatel can comply with its commitments is to use all existing facilities and services of the other small players, like the tens of thousand kilometers of fiber optic cables of PT&T and Converge ICT, the satellite network of Chavit Singson's SEAR, the fiber on air of NOW, etc. The third telco will spur business for small telcos and last mile links like CATV operators. The initial filing fee and documentary stamps of the required 10B equity, the yearly Spectrum Users Fee (SUF) and Supervision & Regulatory Fees (SRF) will greatly increase the income of government. Its total committed investment of P279B will generate a number of jobs.

Globe and Smart are not patronizing these small telco players because both have built their own infrastructures. While the giant incumbent telcos treat these small players as customers, the New Major TelCo Player can treat them as partners, even sharing its facilities and frequencies with them.

The government for its part will invest in telecommunication infrastructure that will be available to ALL players, big or small. These include a nationwide Fiber Optic Cable backbone, Cable Landing Stations, common towers and last mile facilities specially in underserved and unserved areas. DICT is now putting up strong cybersecurity infrastructure and prograns that will effectively protect our cyberspace. Pending laws will soon to be enacted like Number Portability, Open Access, PSA allowing more than 40% foreign ownership of telcos, equitable distribution of spectrum and spectrum management reform, etc., that will make possible the entry of a fourth, even a fifth major telco player.
