Who are Elgible for The Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP)

The Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistance to enable qualified Grade 10 completers to pursue their desired SHS education in private schools, state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local universities and colleges (LUCs) that offer SHS.

Only learners who completed junior high school in SY 2018-2019 may avail of the SHS VP this year. Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs) are automatically qualified to the program and need not apply. Voucher Applicants (VAs) will need to apply to qualify for vouchers.

ALS A&E Test and PEPT takers in the current school year may already apply for the voucher while waiting for the test results. Their vouchers will only be valid upon passing the respective tests and being certified to enroll for Grade 11 in SY 2019-2020.

For complete details, read DepEd Order No. 10, s. 2019: http://bit.ly/SHSVP2019

Online applications must be submitted through the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at https://ovap.peac.org.ph not later than Sunday, June 2. OVAP accounts may be created until May 31 only.

Voucher applicants (VAs) are urged to apply online as this mode carries a number of features not available for manual applications. Online applications allow VAs to have a longer period to apply, submit the required documents in parts, and track their applications real-time.

For queries on the Senior High School Voucher Application, contact the PEAC National Secretariat hotline at (02) 840-6000 loc. 130-132 and 840-6007, or email at shs.vms@peac.org.ph.

For the complete details on the requirements, procedure, and schedule, click here: bit.ly/SHSVP2019
