Can I open more than one MP2 Savings Account on MP2 Savings?
Yes. You may open and maintain multiple MP2 Savings accounts.
Yes! You can view your MP2 Savings online, via Virtual Pag-IBIG. Simply create your Virtual PagIBIG account for you to view your MP2 Savings, including the annual dividends you have.
Where does Pag-IBIG Fund invest my money?
Pag-IBIG Fund invests at least 70% of its investible funds in housing finance, as required by its Charter. It also invests in government securities and corporate bond.
When can I receive my MP2 Savings Dividends?
You can choose to receive your MP2 Savings Dividends via the following options:
Yes. You may open and maintain multiple MP2 Savings accounts.
Your MP2 Savings earn annual dividends at a rate higher than the dividend rate of the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings Program.
Pag-IBIG Fund sets aside at least seventy percent (70%) of its annual net income and credits it proportionately to its members’ Pag-IBIG Savings as dividends. This means that the more you save, the higher dividends you shall earn.
Yes! You can view your MP2 Savings online, via Virtual Pag-IBIG. Simply create your Virtual PagIBIG account for you to view your MP2 Savings, including the annual dividends you have.
Pag-IBIG Fund invests at least 70% of its investible funds in housing finance, as required by its Charter. It also invests in government securities and corporate bond.
You can choose to receive your MP2 Savings Dividends via the following options:
- Upon full withdrawal of your MP2 Savings after its 5-year maturity period with your MP2 Savings Dividends compounded annually;
- Through annual pay-out with your MP2 Savings Dividends credited to your savings or checking account enrolled in any of Pag-IBIG Fund’s accredited banks.
- For members who opt for an annual dividend payout but have no Philippine bank account, such as in the case of overseas members, their MP2 Savings Dividends shall be released via check.
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