Does your MP2 PAG-IBIG Savings Guaranteed and How to claim MP2 Savings

It's New Year 2023 and what a way to start by learning how to invest our hard-earned money.

Are my MP2 Savings guaranteed?

Yes, your MP2 Savings are government-guaranteed. Its annual dividends, on the other hand, depends on Pag-IBIG Fund’s financial performance.

How can I claim my MP2 Savings?

You may now claim your MP2 Savings after its 5-year maturity, online, via the Virtual Pag-IBIG. Just visit Virtual Pag-IBIG by clicking 3C6E2F65AEA.

You may also opt to claim your MP2 Savings over-the-counter. Download and accomplish the Application for Provident Benefits (APB) form found here, 3C6E2F65AEA, and submit it to the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch.

What dividend rate will my MP2 Savings have for its 5th and final year, when it matures before the dividend rate for that year is determined?

The dividend rate for your MP2 Savings on its 5th and final year shall be the dividend rate declared from the previous year or the latest available declared dividend rate. This shall allow you to earn dividends on your MP2 Savings for its entire 5-year period.

What will happen to my MP2 Savings if it is not claimed after it matures?

MP2 savings which are unclaimed afterits 5-year maturity will stop earning dividends under the MP2 Savings rate. It will however, keep earning dividends, based on the dividend rate of the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings for the next 2 years. After which, it shall stop earning dividends
