When you are a plant enthusiast you can easily tell if the plant seller on Facebook is a scammer. The seller will post a picture of rare plants with a price lower than the market price. The price of one leaf variegated Philodendron Billitiae from the year 2020 to 2021 is PHP 100,000 to P200,000 depending on the quality of the variegation. Currently, you can buy one leaf for only Php15,000 to Php 20,000 and the seller who posted the one leaf for Php1,000 is ridiculously lower and it doesn't take a genius to know that it is a scam.
When you encountered such a seller, ask her for a video call flashing the plant with him or herself. I have lots of experience with someone pretending to be a legit rare plant seller. When I ask them for their complete address so I can pick up the plant, they will no longer respond to your queries. Plant lovers need to be vigilant and ask the page group for a legit check of a particular seller.
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