Why I stop Buying Rare Plants?

Why did I stop buying rare imported plants? As you will notice almost all the legitimate plant sellers are selling pre-order plants, the reason behind it is they are making sure that the plants will not stay with them since they know that after a while the price of those plants will decrease big time. In 2020 to 2021, the price of one leaf of variegated Billitiae cost around P200,00 to P300,00. At the first quarter of 2023, the price dropped to P15,000 per leaf.

 Look at this tissue-cultured Variegated Philodendron Billitiae. These plants will soon flood our local gardens since they can be grown in mass production. At the foruth quarter of 2023 the price of this plant species will be around P100 to P200 only. 

So if you will buy one leaf of this plant for P15,000, by the time you were able to propagate in six months time, you can only sell your propagation for only P100.

Why I stop Buying Rare Plants?

So better wait by end of this before buying rare plans again. For sure we can all buy our wish plants with a very reasonable price. Can you imagine from P200,000 during the pandemic that comes with all the hype, by December 2020 we can buy rare plants for P100.

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