eGov PH Super App: How to Register

How to register with eGov Super App in three easy steps?

1. Download the App

Install the eGov App on your smartphone or tablet through the App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Register an Account

Provide your mobile number and authenticate with a One-Time Pin

3. Verify your Identity

Enter your basic information and complete the facial recognition technology

Citizen-Centric Platform

Serves as a Partner of the People: ensuring transparency and integrity towards improving people’s well-being

In every venture, the government places the benefit of the citizens on the pedestal as the primary objective. With the eGov PH, the services are ensured to be aligned to life essential needs and to be provided with avenues to hear the voices of people. This App allows inclusivity and empowerment across the nation; no individual being left behind.

eGov PH Super App: How to Register

Integrated eGovernment Services

One-Stop Shop of Public Services: covering both national and local government levels in a single avenue

Housed in a single mobile application, the citizens will now have an easy access to various government online services and information: covering across local and national level of public agencies. Made possible through the collaboration of all agencies, the eGov PH is a proof of pursuing a one digitized government to provide the Filipino people with the best services deserved.

Streamlined Government Transactions

Enhances existing processes: reducing the transaction costs between the government and the people

As easy as with few clicks, government services can be accessed anytime and anywhere: from beginning a transaction and up to payment completion. Taking full advantage and techniques, we press on for a nation with accelerated public service efficiency.
