Jessica Sanchez on American Idol Top 24

Watch out for Jessica Sanchez on American Idol Top 24.

The Top 24 in American Idol 2012 were already revealed. Jessica Elizabeth Sanchez (born circa 1995) is an American vocalist from Southern California.

Jessica is most known for her wild card appearance on the inaugural season of America's Got Talent that aired on NBC during the summer of 2006. That performance has since been viewed more than 5,000,000 times on Youtube alone. Sanchez is friends with fellow half Filipino/Mexican-American Jasmine Villegas, vocalist and fellow AGT and Youtube artist Thia Megia, The Beat 2008 Music Awards Winner Elise Estrada and American Idol Season 8 Finalist Allison Iraheta. Sanchez did a callaboration with Villegas and Megia on Mariah Carey's Hero.
Jessica Sanchez

16-year-old Filipino-American Jessica Sanchez made it to top 24 first batch. Here is the list of the 14 idol hopefuls:

Top 12 Males:

Deandre Brackensick
Adam Brock
Colton Dixon
Creighton Fraker
Eben Franckewitz
Reed Grimm
Heejun Han
Joshua Ledet
Chase Likens
Aaron Marcellus
Phillip Phillips
Jeremy Rosado

Top 12 Females:

Baylie Brown
Hollie Cavanagh
Hallie Day
Jennifer Hirsh
Haley Johnsen
Skylar Laine
Shannon Magrane
Jessica Sanchez
Chelsea Sorrell
Elise Testone
Erika Van Pelt
Brielle Von Hugel

Wildcard picks

Jermaine Jones
Johnny Keyser
Richie Law
David Leathers Jr.
