Plot to Kill Justin Bieber Unveiled

An alleged Plot to Kill Justin Bieber was Uncovered! Earlier, according to ABS-CBN report, Yacap party-list Rep. Carol Jane Lopez is urging Congress to officially ban the Canadian singer from ever setting foot in the country after he posted allegedly insulting photos of Pacquiao on the Internet.

Justin Bieber mocks Pambansang Kamao, Manny Pacquiao thru his Instagram account. View photos, click here!

According to KRQE News, Dana Martin —a prisoner who’s serving two life sentences in New Mexico for raping and killing a 15-year-old girl in Vermont over a decade ago— hired his former fellow inmate Mark Staake, who in turn recruited his nephew Tanner Ruane, to carry out a plan to kill four individuals including Bieber.

Martin who is reportedly  “obsessed with Bieber" has a tattoo of the teen star on his leg, the report said. The mastermind reportedly ordered the would-be-hitmen to strangle their victims with a paisley tie.

Staake and Ruane were supposed to carry out the murder and castration of Bieber and his bodyguard during the pop sensation’s sold-out concert at the Madison Square Garden in November.

However, Staake was arrested in Vermont on outstanding warrants before any of the killings happened. It turned out that Martin was the one who blew the whistle, revealing to investigators the plan he himself cooked up.

Ruane, on the other hand, was arrested by New York police after authorities had recorded phone calls of him and his co-conspirator discussing their strategies. The arresting officers reportedly found murder tools and pruning shears on him.
