Two Boston Bombing Suspects caught in CCTV

FBI releases surveillance video on Boston bombing suspects. Two suspects in Boston Bombing caught in CCTV fooatges

Bloomberg report said, Authorities believe they have image of Boston Marathon suspect carrying, possibly dropping a black bag at one of the bombing scenes, according to the Boston Globe.

Meanwhile nytimes reported  that one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings was killed early Friday morning after leading the police on a wild chase that resulted in the death of a campus police officer, while the other was sought in a massive manhunt that shut down large parts of the area.

"The two suspects were identified by law enforcement officials as brothers from Chechnya. The surviving suspect was identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass., a law enforcement official said. The one who was killed was identified as his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26."

The FBI is asked the citizens to be vigilant and for those who may have seen the suspects in the vicinity of the marathon finish line to provide information that will help solve the case.

“Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbors, co-workers or family members,” Deslauriers said, according to The Lookout on Yahoo! News. “Though it may be difficult, the nation is counting on those with information to come forward and provide it to us.”
