Lolong Largest Crocodile in the World declared by NatGeo

A zoologist and crocodile expert from NatGeo confirmed Lolong as the biggest crocodile in the World. Lolong is a saltwater crocodile caught in Barangay Nueva Era in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, Mindanao on September 3.

According to Britton, from National Geographic, Lolong's official size is 20.3 ft. "I think under Guinness’ rules, you have to wait six months before being officially declared a world record holder," Ani Britton.
"I will give my official measurements to Guinness" said Britton.

Giant Crocodile captured in Agusan del Sur, Philippines
Photo Credit: Associated Press

The Bunawan local government, together with the Protected Areas and Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, set up traps to catch the crocodile after residents reported incidents of crocodile attacks, the report said.

