Vigil for the rescue of Secretary Jesse Robredo- Statement of Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda

Here's the statement of Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda for the Vigil for the rescue of Secretary Jesse Robredo. According to Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacieda, tonight August 19-Sunday, concerned citizens continue their vigil in the National Shrine of the Divine Child in La Salle Greenhills, Mandaluyong City. The vigil began at 3 p.m. and Mass was celebrated at 5 p.m. The vigil will continue until 12:30 a.m.

Here's the full text:
Statement: The Presidential Spokesperson on the continuing vigil for the rescue of Secretary Jesse Robredo, August 19, 2012
Statement of Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda:
On the continuing vigil for the rescue of Secretary Jesse Robredo
[August 19, 2012]
Tonight, concerned citizens continue their vigil in the National Shrine of the Divine Child in La Salle Greenhills, Mandaluyong City. The vigil began at 3 p.m. and Mass was celebrated at 5 p.m. The vigil will continue until 12:30 a.m.

Tomorrow, the vigil resumes at 8 a.m. in La Salle Greenhills. Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. As was the case yesterday and today, tomorrow’s vigil will be open to the public.
We continue to hope and pray for the successful rescue of Secretary Jesse Robredo. The nation’s unity—in concern, in faith, and hope for Secretary Jesse Robredo, Jessup Bahinting, and Kshitiz Chand—is a source of strength for the families of the missing, and all those engaged in search and rescue operations. Let us continue to refrain from speculation and focus on the task at hand. Let us remain steadfast in our compassion, our sense of community, and our resolve.
text credit: offcial gazette
